The dark web, often portrayed as a nebulous and shadowy corner of the internet, serves many purposes ranging from the innocuous to the illicit. The dark web plays a critical role for individuals in oppressive regimes, offering a platform for free expression and access to unfiltered information, while in more open societies, it supports whistleblowing and privacy. A significant portion of dark websites offer legitimate services such as forums, chat rooms, and marketplaces. One computer security firm’s study in 2016 found that more than half of the domains they examined were legal. Furthermore, the Onion Router (Tor), an open-source network that facilitates anonymous browsing on the dark web, is used by major organizations such as leading newspapers, Facebook, and even the CIA, to emphasize their commitment to privacy and secure communication channels.
However, the dark web also presents opportunities for misuse. This primer explores key reasons terrorists use the dark web, as well as its role in financing terrorist organizations and operations.