Insight Intelligence Updates
Hello everyone — as most of you know, I’ve been very busy lately writing my convoy finance series. I thought I’d take a minute and send out a quick note to a) thank all my new subscribers! and b) send a big thank you to my long-time subscribers who might not be all that interested in convoy finances. I appreciate you sticking with me through a flurry of reporting!
Tomorrow, I’ve got a new article coming out about the marriage between cryptocurrency and hawala. It’s a pretty interesting development, and I’m happy to be able to share some of my investigative work (albeit in a limited way) on the topic. For now, here’s a quick overview of what’s been happening over here at Insight Intelligence.
Convoy Finance Series
To date, I’ve written four articles directly related:
Convoy Finance: The Podcast
If reading all those articles is really not your thing (no judgement, but I promise they’re fascinating!), I recorded a podcast with Intrepid Podcast. I think we’ll be doing another one soon…
Convoy Finance Updates
As many of you know, I also go back and update old articles from time to time. When I do this, I usually leave a “timestamp” on the article to let you know that it’s been updated. In this case, as there’s a lot of operational interest in convoy finances, I thought I’d also list out some of those updates:
a new PayPal fundraiser
NFTs created to generate funds for the convoy
banks might be starting to take action against fundraisers
GiveSendGo had a security problem that might have exposed a lot of donor information….I’ll be sure to include this in my analysis of foreign funding that I PROMISE is coming soon.
Initial analysis of some convoy-related Facebook groups suggests that a hacked account is behind a lot of the activity. No word on the motive by the hacker (be it a state, private interest group, private citizen, etc).
Illicit Financing
I have also recently written other articles on emerging areas of interest, including crowdfunding (inspired, you guessed it, by convoy financing) and NFTs.
NFTs and Illicit Financing: Smoke versus Fire
Crowdfunding and Illicit Financing: Terrorism, Money Laundering, and Foreign Influence Activities
As always, appreciate folks spreading the word about this newsletter. It’s getting lots of traction, which is great, and these subscriptions will allow me to hire some more research help, which is good for all of us!