Following the Money: Recap of Insight Monitor for April 2024
Everything you might have missed last month, and a chance to unlock one article
Hello Insight Monitor readers! A warm welcome from ( sunny and warm!) Doha where I’m attending the Global Security Forum, a riveting and thought provoking conference. I love this conference because it sparks dialogue and healthy debate, and it’s worth checking out the live stream. Lots of great panels! Here at the Monitor we are recapping our busy month of April. Catch up on everything you might have missed, and don’t forget to vote on one article to unclock. Check back in 24 hours for the winning post.
In the meantime, if you want to learn more about how Hamas finances its activities and its prospects for longevity, have a read of our report:
Here’s what happened in April:
In our ongoing analysis of the financing of terrorist attacks, we took a look at the Fort Hood shooting and what financial indicators existed that could have warned of the attack:
We also continued our group-based analysis with a look at ISIL in South Africa:
Continuing this group (or movement)-based analysis, we launched our new series on Canada’s white power ecosystem. This is an important mapping of a growing problem in Canada.
We also released a primer on how terrorists exploit the dark web for financing:
This month, my conversation with the wonderful & knowledgeable Ari Redbord from TRM Labs was released. You’ll want to check this one out:
And of course we also did our usual monthly roundup of all the terrorist financing stories in the news:
Most of this material is behind a paywall, so now is your chance to unlock one article. Which will it be?
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