Rising Threat: The Surge of Ideologically-Driven Terrorism in Canada
From ITI Labs: Data on terrorist attacks in Canada
Hello Insight Monitor subscribers! Welcome to another newsletter dedicated to bringing evidence to the discussion of terrorism. Today, we’re focusing on my home country, Canada. We’re looking at the data we’ve compiled on terrorist attacks. This yields some surprising trends that will almost certainly stimulate debate on what constitutes terrorism and where the biggest threat comes from. Have a read, and let us know what you think!
I’m often asked about terrorism in Canada: what’s the threat? How many attacks do we have? What’s the most serious kind of terrorism? Today, we have (part of) our answer.
Since 2004, ideologically motivated violent extremists (IMVE) have been responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks in Canada. They have killed 3x the number of people that religiously motivated violent extremists like Al Qaeda or ISIL have killed.
Read to find out more: